tiistai 24. toukokuuta 2016

Learning Finnish online - suomen kieltä verkossa

Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kesäyliopisto järjestää suomen kielen kursseja suomea vieraana kielenä opiskeleville sekä lähiopetuksena että verkkokkursseina. Seuraavassa kurssien opettaja ja eri kurssien opiskelijat kertovat kokemuksistaan verkkokursseilla. 

Opettajana verkkokurssilla

Verkkokursseilla on mielestäni mielenkiintoista se, miten eri puolilta maailmaa erilaisissa elämäntilanteissa olevat ihmiset tulevat opiskelemaan samalle kurssille. Siellä on läsnä monta tarinaa ja monia mielenkiintoisia persoonallisuuksia. Kurssien vuorovaikutteinen toteutustapa aktivoi vähitellen myös opiskelijoiden omaa kielen tuottamista. Tavoittelemme rohkeaa, välitöntä ja ystävällistä kommunikaatiota ja niinpä lukuvuoden aikana osallistujat tutustuvatkin ihmeen hyvin toisiinsa ja usein yhteydenpito jatkuu myös kurssien ulkopuolella verkossa eri alustoilla, kuten esim. Facebookissa. Käytännössä tutustumista toisiin opiskelijoihin auttaa varmaankin myös kursseihin sisältyvä melko runsas pienryhmä- ja parityöskentely.

Monille osallistuminen meidän verkkokurssillemme antaa ensi kertaa mahdollisuuden tutustua muihin saman kielen harrastajiin. Erityisesti yksin ulkomailla suomen kieltä opiskelevia ilahduttaa mahdollisuus saada opetusta verkon välityksellä. Myös vastikään Suomeen saapuneilta puuttuu usein verkostoja ja heille verkkokurssille osallistuminen voi tarjota yhteisöllisyyttä, jota muuten ei vielä ole löytynyt uudessa ympäristössä.

Osan opiskelijoista tapaan jossain vaiheessa myös tosielämässä, kun he osallistuvat jollekin kursseistamme tavanomaisessa luokassa tai tulevat muuten vain käymään Oulussa, mutta osan kanssa olemme yhteydessä pelkästään internetin välityksellä. Siitä huolimatta keväällä koko talven mukana olleet opiskelijat tuntuvat jo mukavasti vanhoilta kavereilta.

Anne Palokangas, suomen kielen opettaja

What I think about studying Finnish language and learning it on an online course

- It's good, but i have some problems, because courses in English, and my language is not.

- I consider learning Finnish language on an online course as the best solution, at least for me. I do not live in Finland and in my country there is not possibility to attend whatever course of Finnish language, except in capital city. Online courses give me a huge motivation, a year ago I tried to learn Finnish language myself, but with very slow progress. Now I am looking forward to each lesson. Anne as a super teacher is always willing to help learners and to explain matters of language, traditions and habits in Finland. Thanks.

- Learning Finnish is a great challenge. It is very difficult language and I thought online course will not fulfill its role but it is a great place to learn basics of Finnish language.

- Hei, I am glad to be one of the online student thanks to teacher Anne Palokangas, it is interesting to learn a new language - Suomi: Finnish, I’m very happy to learn from our teacher from the beginner, it gave me chance and time to learn, it is amazing experience to hear people from different cultures and languages, and  be in an online classroom, it is a nice experience I add and another language communication I should pratctise :), Hei hei  

- Great!

- Online course is a very good opportunity for those, like me, do not live in Finland, but want to study Finnish. I think it is a great idea and I am very grateful to Anne to have this option. I hope higher levels will be also available online. (I mean interactive online)

- I tried Anne Palokangas online class today. The interaction and participation of students attract me. I would 100 % register for next available course.

- It's a wonderful thing to have the opportunity to ask questions to a person who actually knows the rules behind the language. It's also very nice to be able to listen to a native talk and try to understand it. It's especially valuable so you can learn as fast and as much as possible before moving to Finland and therefore integrating with culture easier.

- Since my boyfriend is Finnish it is very important for me to learn Finnish. I want to be able to take part in family and friend gatherings without forcing everyone to speak English. It also helps me understand the culture better and integrate when we visit Finland. Learning it online is a great opportunity for me since we don't live in Finland at the moment. Having a real teacher speak to us by webcam is great since it trains our listening skills also the teacher can react to individual difficulties. This is not the case with learning by yourself, which I have done for a long time before I found this course a week ago. Online teaching with audio and video also allows us to practice our speaking skills. I think speaking helps remember the vocabulary certain grammar patterns and helps automize the process of speaking. I am very happy to have found an online course and am confident to make faster progress from now on. Also it is fun!

- I think this is quite good and useful. As the time is more flexible and I don't have to go to a specific classroom. The only problem is sometimes I am not able to concentrate on what my teacher is talking about. I hope this in only my personal reason. Thanks!

- Excellent course! Good presentation of the material, friendly teacher, interesting practice speaking and group work! Thanks to the organizers and teacher for this course.

- On learning Finnish: I have learned English and Spanish, I found Finnish a language very well-regulated, which is different from my mother language, a little similar to the feelings when I started learning Spanish. Btw, it surprised me when I realised the present tense and future tense r expressed the same in Finnish. 

- I love Finnish language and I learn it for pleasure. Online course is great, because I can participate no matter where I am.

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